DoussColor is the natural evolution of the classic cream. It's new formula is sure and permit you to :
The colors DoussColor are enriched in keratin and oil of argan which are nourrishing deeply for having soft and brilliant hair.
Read and follow the instructions of the notice.
. Avoid the contact of the eyes. Rinse immediately the eyes if the product enter in contact with the eyes.
Not to use to dye the lashes or the eyebrows.
Porter les gants fournis pour l'application.
To wear the gloves provided for the application.
It is obligatory to carry out the tests of allergy 48h before any application of a coloring, even if To wear the gloves provided for the application.
Your limps of DoussColor coloring contains moreover a capillary bath balancing soft and a capillary mask nourishing to use after your color to nourish and relisser the hair.
Don't color your hair if:
-you present a skin eruption on the face or if your scalp sensitive, is irritated or damaged.
- you already made a reaction after having coloured your hair.
- you made in the past a reaction to a temporary tattooing containing henna.
Keep out of reach from children.
The capillary dyes can cause severe allergic reactions. To see and follow the instructions of the note.
This product is not to uses one Young peole from less than 16 years old.